
Friday, August 26, 2011

FRC Icon World Tour

Today my good friend Scott/Custard has allowed me to guest post over at Front Room Cinema.

For those of you not aware of his fantastically interesting series on the icons of world cinema, the concept was to invite bloggers from around the world to introduce iconic film makers and actors from their countries to Scott's front room.

I was post #10 and shared my appreciation Australia's unwanted son Christopher Doyle.

Before me however other great bloggers have shared the following talented film makers:
Kiyoshi Kurosawa of Japan (from Jason at Genkinahito)
Wong Kar Wai of Hong Kong (from BT at Bonjour Tristesse)
Amitabh Bachchan of India (from Raghav at Ticker Talk Films)
The Babes of Serbia (from Dezmond at The Hollywood Spy)
Oleksandr Dovzhenko of Ukraine (from Lesya at Eternity of Dream)
Aki Kaurismäki of Finland (from Anna at Split Reel)
Mikael Persbrandt of Sweden (from Joel at Deny Everything)
Klaus Kinski of Germany (from Vanessa at The Movie Ness)
Henri Georges Clouzot of France (from Jack at Jack L Film Reviews)

I think this may have been the last week as we are now as far from England as possible unless there's a New Zealand post or America and Ireland maybe? I'm not sure but it's been a fun and enlightening 10 weeks so far.


  1. Thanks Toby for the great linkage here!! Indeed we are pretty far away from UK now.

    I have got a few more planned NZ, Argentina and USA still to come. May try and get an Irish one in at the end too!!

    Thanks again for taking part my friend

  2. thanks for the mention, Toby :) Enjoyed your visit over at Scottland :)

  3. dezmond - youre welcome, i enjoyed your post also.

    SL - does this mean there's going to be a world tour icon from Scottland?

  4. SL - i completely forgot about central and south america! whats wrong with me? mexico has been a source of fantastic cinema for exmple. argentina will be interesting. ive only seen a few films but they were excellent.

  5. Thanks for the linking! Nice round-up for a plug post.

  6. joel - naturally you are welcome to the link, afterall it's not just about me, it's about everyone's great posts.
