
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blogger Returns! Makes Claims of Feeling Reinvigorated!

To all those who are still subscribed to this blog on your readers, to all those who still occasionally stop by in the hope of new content I bring great news - blahblahblahgay is back! But has changed a little. Not just in my movie fried mind but in terms of content.

I've spent some time reading rather than watching, writing reviews of books instead of movies and recently came to the conclusion that my blog really should be my blog rather than an attempt to keep up with the insatiable demands of a baying public intent on reading yet another review for Transformers 8.

As such the about me page and the taste guide page have been updated to reflect the following:

I'm planning on posting some book reviews here but not all of them.

I'm planning on discussing music and perhaps even posting some of my famous mixtapes for you.

I shall review movies and make lists but I will keep no schedule.

I'll be honest, I haven't looked at another persons blog in quite a while and I may not get back on my rounds.

I'm even thinking that I shall post anecdotes from my forthcoming trip around europe, foodie adventures and discussions on the state of the world. Grandiose I know.

I may even post some stories here as and when I feel comfortable.

I'm sure some of you will drift away or not care for my non-film content and I appreciate that. But perhaps you'll come for the movies and stay for the pie?

I believe Chip of Tips From Chip fame has a similar model,  only this will involve less strenuous physical activity, no blahblahblah hiking for me.

I invite you to add me as a friend on Goodreads, the social networking site for book geeks. My profile can be found here.  Aside from the social networking aspect, Goodreads allows you to rate and catalogue every book you have ever read before providing recommendations based on your tastes and is constantly updated as you read more books. I find the place to be a useful tool for keeping track of the books I've read, how much I enjoyed them and why. Discovering new books to read is fantastic and was a major tool in my armoury as a bookseller. Currently you will also find Alex from Film Forager as a member.

I shall also invite you to add me as a friend on, the social networking site for people who are obsessive about keeping track of what music they listen to, discovering new music and listening to free radio stations catered to your specific musical tastes. My profile can be found here.


  1. Nice to see you make an epic return Toby! Post what you want, and as long as it comes from the heart, people will read. Good luck mate!

  2. TOBY!!!!!! You are alive, I thought I had killed you!!

    You have been missed greatly!

  3. Tyler, Scott. Thanks for the hugs.

    I'm loaded up with ideas right now so hopefully you'll enjoy the new theme.

  4. Welcome back! Very happy to see you've returned, and looking forward to your new adventures film or otherwise.

  5. Welcome back, Toby! Nice to know that you'll be writing your blog for you, and if people like it (as we all do), then that's just an added bonus!

    I've been reading a lot as well, and have been getting back into my comic-reading again, so, in terms of watching films, as you said about your own experience, it kind of has taken a backseat, so it is good to know that you are outwardly saying you're gonna write - pretty much - what you want to write! I tip my hat off to you.

  6. @BT Thank you, I hope you stick around to watch me become rich and famous then make a documentary about it,

    @Cherokee - Now for the what do I want to actually write question? Mind explodes at the possibilities.

  7. Welcome back, Toby! I say, bring on the diversity. I know writing about different subjects helps keep me sane.

    Just sent a friend request your way. I am wildlifehexagon.

  8. Eric! Thanks for stopping by. I see your place has grown/evolved since I've been away. Looking good.

  9. I'm late getting the news. I just found out that you were posting again. I want to say thanks both for the mention and the laugh about the hiking. Glad to see you're back.

  10. No sweat chip. A pleasure to see you here.
